Park News: July/August 2001
The Friends of Menotomy Rocks Park and the Arlington Center for the Arts will be co-sponsoring a Trinity Rep production of William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream” on Tuesday, August 7th starting at 6:00 p.m. The performance by the renown theatrical company will take place at the Jason St. field with Hill’s Pond as a backdrop. One area of the field will be set aside for blankets and another for lawn chairs. Please come early and picnic before the performance if you have the time. If you would like to volunteer to help with this event (organizing/selling food & drinks, selling t-shirts, hanging posters, “ushering,” etc), there will be a Volunteers Meeting at Ted & Betsy Baldwin’s (107 Jason St.) on Tuesday, July 10th at 8:00 p.m. Or call 781-643-3848 if you miss(ed) the meeting and would like to help out.
The flurodone (Sonar) applied by Aquatic Control Technologies (ACT) has worked very well. By interfering with the photosynthesis of Eurasian Watermilfoil and Longleaf Pondweed, the treatment slowly compromised the invasive plants which had taken over the surface of the pond. With the weeds gone, Hills Pond sports a healthier look – and the native pond plants will have some time to recover and provide a better habitat for pond fish and other water critters. ACT has recently been contacted to find out how to get rid of the “mats” that are still in the pond.
The Arlington Public Works Department has recently contracted for the repair of the dangerously crumbling pond wall. Work will begin as soon as the contractor’s schedule allows. Volunteers are needed to try to remove the fairly large buttonbushes growing in the pond wall before the work begins. Six members of the Friends have volunteered to take cuttings from the buttonbushes as insurance that there will be an alternative propagation method in case the roots cannot be successfully loosed. Anyone else who can help with this alternate propagation method is encouraged to do so. The fragrant buttonbushes are a wonderful addition to the pond shoreline. Please call 781-643-3156 if you can help with the bush removal. Volunteers will be notified as soon as the Town has a work date from the contractor.
Thanks to everyone who braved the rain and attended the June 24th annual meeting of the Friends of Menotomy Rocks Park. Your interest and enthusiasm is very much appreciated. The following people were elected to the Board for a 3-year term: Jim Britt (646-1718), Tom Gonsiorowski (641-0838), Clarissa Rowe (643-3156), Rachael Sokolowski (648-2081), Anne Tulimieri (646-1420) and Judy Weinberg (646-0643).