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Shakespeare in the Park fundraiser, Tues 6/17/14
Join us for a Shakespeare in the Park Party & Fundraiser for this year’s Shakespeare in the Park Performances: Tuesday, June 17, 7:30 at the Kickstand Café. We’re having twinkly lights, wine, food,…
June 8, 2014 -
Once again Tai Chi classes will be held on the Jason Street Field cul-de-sac this spring. Boston martial artist Dorri Li will be teaching classes on two mornings: Thursdays 9:30 – 10:30…
April 27, 2014 -
Volunteer Work Day
SUNDAY, JUNE 16th 10:00 am – noon Hopefully, everything will have dried out by Sunday — and once again, we’ll be working on removing and cutting back INVASIVE PLANTS in the Hills…
June 14, 2013 -
Hills pond in Menotomy Rocks Park will be chemically treated with a USEPA/MA registered aquatic herbicides/algaecides on Tuesday, May 29th to control non-native growth of curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus). Hills Pond will…
May 24, 2012 -
FoMRP Annual Meeting
May 5, 2012, 10:00 a.m. location: Council ring Topics: accomplishments last year, plans for coming year, vote on new board member.
May 1, 2012 -
Spooky Walk is canceled
Regrettably, the paths and field will be too slippery, so Spooky Walk 2011 has been canceled. See you next year, and have a great Halloween everyone!
October 30, 2011 -
Spooky Walk postponed until Sunday
Snow for Spooky Walk? Unheard of! But, sadly, it may be true. Spooky Walk has been officially postponed, it will be held Sunday, October 30, at 6PM. That gives you an extra…
October 28, 2011 -
New Location – Shakespeare in the Park 8/7/11
Because of the downpours we’re having now, Shakespeare in the Park, scheduled for this afternoon at Robbins Farm, has been moved indoors to Arlington Center for the Arts. Measure for Measure will…
August 7, 2011