Park News: October 1999 This Month’s Events
Wall 2000 meeting on October ??
The saga of the unsafe, unsightly pond wall continues. The rebuilding of the wall will be the subject of a Conservation Commission meeting on Thursday, September 23, at 8:00 PM at Town Hall. Friends and neighbors of the park may wish to attend and encourage the town to act on the paperwork and construction documents required to fix the wall. Although the FoMRP board voted to donate $12,000 toward the repair back in April, and the town agreed to pay the remaining costs (at least another $8,000 and probably more), progress has been slow. Director of Public Works Richard Bento is responsible for filing Notice of Intent documents required by the state, the Conservation Commission must approve the project, and the town must also advertise and evaluate bids for the work.
Daytime clean-up on Saturday, October 23
Bring your work gloves and tools and join this year’s clean-up, scheduled from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM on Saturday, October 23 (rain date is the following day). New bark mulch will be delivered to the playground, and one team will spread it. Other projects include building a new fence for the South end of the wetland, repairing the boardwalk on the middle path, and possibly doing some erosion-control planting on the steep bank above the South end of the pond. Update with info from Sybil & David.
Spooky Walk at dusk on Saturday, October 23
Begins at 6:30 PM, costumes optional. Bigger and better than ever with ghosties and goblins and things that go bump in the night, thanks to Halloween decorations installed around the pond. This year a Grand Prize for best decorations, and if you’re interested in putting your Halloween fantasies on display, call Carol Band to reserve a spot. She’s at 648-7407.
Refreshments will be served in the Jason Street field to children who have survived the thrills and chills of the walk.