Park News: January-February 2000 Winter Update
First Memorial Benches Installed
Just before the unseasonably warm weather disappeared, beautiful teak benches were placed in six locations throughout the park. Each bears a small memorial plaque selected by the donor. The Park & Recreation Commission approved six more bench sites, and information about how to donate is available from MaryAnna Foskett (646-5882) or Denise Long (646-0022).
Friends Membership Increases for 2000
In response to our annual “state of the park” letter, which went to about 300 households, Friends membership rose from 96 households to 120. Thanks to everyone who sent dues or additional contributions. If you would like to join but didnt receive a letter at home, please contact us at the above address or through our “Community Connections” listing at
Rebuilding the Wall, Stone by Stone
A long series of Conservation Commission hearings came to an end on December 2, when the ConCom voted unanimously to “accept the project as conditioned.” Director of Public Works Richard Bento will now put the project out for bids, so that construction can be accomplished this Spring and Summer. Detailed plans for protecting flora and fauna during the work are being negotiated, and notices will be posted when volunteers are needed to help.
Friends Help Town Seek Outside Funding
The Town of Arlington is seeking $10,000 from the Department of Environmental Management’s Lakes and Ponds grant program. The Friends prepared the grant application, which could cover approximately one-third of the cost of rebuilding the Hill’s Pond wall and improving the watershed. Awards will be announced in early March.
Winter Reminder for Dog Owners
At least two dog-related incidents were reported in early January. In the first case, a large dog bowled over a frail elder. In the second instance, dog owners were uncivil to a walker who expressed his fear of unrestrained dogs. Dog owners must remember that the rules of responsible dog ownership and common courtesy are not suspended during the Winter months.