Park News: November 1998
Volunteers rebuild trail, spruce up park
On Saturday, October 24, more than two dozen hearty volunteers installed five water bars to help stabilize the steep trail that leads uphill from the wetland area. Professional trail manager Pete Brandenberg, an Arlington resident and frequent park user, directed the work. DPW employees Edward Banty and Mark McKeown used town equipment to clear logs from other paths. A second team collected many pounds of broken glass from popular party areas in the woods. Many FoMRP board members worked on the project and handed out refreshments and prizes. We all owe a giant vote of thanks to everyone who pitched in to create a safer, more attractive park.
New boardwalk near vernal pool
A short section of the middle footpath turns into a muddy wallow every Winter. A removable boardwalk that bridges the wet spot was designed by FoMRP board members Tom Gonsiorowski and Greg Blass and built by Tom. On October 25 it was installed by Tom, Melissa Carr, Biff Maier, and Ben Reeve. It will be stored during the Summer, when Recreation Department vans are driven on the path.
Spooky Parade a success
The largest Spooky Parade ever took place in the Park just after dark on October 24th. More than 100 children thrilled to scary boaters on Hills Pond and to an assortment of ghoulish figures on the shores. A lighted parade of children circled the Pond before heading to the Arlington Childrens Center for donuts and cider. FoMRP contributed to decorations and refreshments.
Expert to examine park trees
An expert forester from the New England Forestry Foundation will be visiting soon to assess the general health and biological diversity of the parks trees. His report will suggest what the town and FoMRP might do to keep wooded areas beautiful and interesting for future generations.
The Pickle Report on Hills Pond
Local scientist John Pickle, with help from several young assistants, is now testing the water in Hills Pond every two weeks. The initial test for fecal coliform showed bacteria both in the wetland area and the body of the pond; repeat results will be posted soon.