Park News – Spring 2012
MENOTOMY ROCKS BIRDS: Many Spring birds are already beginning to return to the park. The male Redwing Blackbirds are scouting out their territory next to the pond. A Red-bellied Woodpecker has been spotted along the back pathway and at the top of the rocks. In addition, there have also been sightings of a Screech Owl. For a list of other Menotomy Park birds, check the park website.
STEWARDSHIP: At our last meeting in January, the Friends of Menotomy Rocks Park voted to hire ArborCare to clear fallen tree branches along the wooded pathways. The Spring Street and High Haith entrance areas are overgrown with invasive Norway Maples, which will also be removed to encourage the growth of other trees and plants. ArborCare will also be asked to provide woodchips to refurbish the playground area.
HILLS POND: The pond will be treated again this spring for pondweeds and algae, but we will still need volunteers to cut down Purple Loosestrife before it blooms. The FoMRP Board is also looking into having the pond tested for contaminants, E-coli and Leptospriosis.
Collapsing granite pond steps at two locations pose a safety issue. The steps in the most serious condition are the ones near the water fountain and near Centennial Grove. The Town will be consulted about the possibility of installing cement footings.
PARK BENCHES: The green benches around the park need repair and paint. The Board will be looking for volunteers to help with that project.
TAI CHI CLASSES: Free outdoor Tai chi classes will be offered in the park this spring and summer. The Friends are underwriting the project, but it will be offered by the Parks and Recreation Department. It will be listed in their catalogue.
ECOFEST: The annual ECOFEST held will take place again this year on March 31 at Town Hall. Menotomy Rocks Park will again have a table and will be handing out flyers and answering questions about the park.
PARK DAY POSTPONED – new date coming soon
PARK DAY: Save the date. The Friends annual meeting will be combined with a fun Park Day on May 5 with a rain date of May 6. We’ll be celebrating the park with games for kids and nature activities. Other possible activities will include a picnic, Tai Chi, and a bike swap.
MEMBERSHIP: Please consider joining the Friends of Menotomy Rocks Park to help us keep the Park a wonderful place for all to enjoy. See our website for dues information – or send $15 (individual dues) or $25 (family dues) to: FoMRP, 350 Mass. Ave. #161, Arlington, MA 02474-6713. Check out our website for more information and our webstore if you need a new Park t-shirt, hat, apron, stationery or history book: