Park News: Special Back-to-School Edition September 1998

Paths and roads

Heavy rains in the late Spring caused widespread erosion and flooding. The most serious damage occurred on the road leading from the South field to the picnic area in the woods. The Department of Public Works has patched the road, and Town Engineer Richard Bento promises to carry out more substantial repairs soon. The culvert under the road needs to be replaced and the surface regraded. The Friends of Menotomy Rocks Park (FoMRP) continues to work with the town to improve poorly graded paths that allow run-off to degrade water quality.

Water testing

FoMRP has purchased equipment which will be used to monitor the water quality of Hills Pond. Initial test results will be posted on the bulletin boards. Science-minded young people who want to participate in the monitoring project should call John Pickle at 646-0643.

Crackdown on dog owners

Uncivil behavior by dog owners and their pets has caused park users to file numerous complaints with the town. As a result, Arlingtons Animal Control Officers have stepped up their patrols in the area and are reminding people of leash and pooper-scooper laws. This month eight new signs reminding dog owners of their responsibilities will be posted in prominent locations around the park.


The earthen dam that retains water in the wetland area, where particulate matter settles before the water seeps into the pond, has taken a beating from high water and from fisherman who insist on frequenting it. When humans or dogs enter the wetlands, they disturb the nesting area of songbirds, waterfowl, frogs and turtles. New signs urging people to stay out of the wetlands will be posted this month.

Fire safety

So far, the park has escaped serious fire damage this summer. The danger was reduced by the Arlington Fire Department, which arranged for removal of the wood piles left by a Spring class clean-up project. Anyone who encounters a fire in the park even a small one can protect our beautiful woods by calling it in immediately.

Special 1998 tee shirts

The 1998 Menotomy Rocks Park tee shirts are available at Divinitys Splendour-Glow at Broadway Plaza and at Bella Cosa in the Heights. They can also be obtained from Judy Weinberg at 646-0643.